So I decided to start writing letters, to anyone...

Sometimes Susan, Roselin, or Erie writes but most of the time, it's Fida. mail

Friday 10 March 2006

got another science test today, i didn't study cuz Sr. Flora told us we dun have to study. she said the test gonna be general knowledge questions..but when we did it...i almost guess the whole thing.. most of them about family, genus (is that how you spell it?), bla..bla.bla...i've studied those kinda thing when i was in indo...but i never listened to my teacher...!! and some questions were asking about the scale nd stuff...ooh gawd, my mark?? i saw it!! i think i got 8/21 huahuhuauaaua X( i'm dumb hey!! next week we gonna have mid term test nd i'm going to study HARD!! *as if* but i think i lost my science text book *hope not* i searched everywhere!! at skool nd home, i couldn't find it..but i think it still in the lab *hope so*, next test, i'm not gonna let anyone get higher marks than me!! mampuss..

spt biasa org itu nanya saya wkt test tadi, tp untg aja bbrp jawaban yg saia ksh tau salah!! rasain lo!!! tapi ada juga yg bener X( dia dpt nilai lbh tggi dari saia!! g tau knp stiap di nnya slalu saia ksh tau!! tp kdg2 saia srh dia jawab sendiri..males saia...

saia g maw posisi saia d kls di ambil kyak nya nilai dy lbh tinggi dr saia X( kcuali di maths.. itu gr" saia g pernah mw bljr...slalu ol...

tp itu juga g fair klo nilaii" yg dia dpt hasil nanya sm kita" masa pljrn dia nanya ma saia..wong situ yg tinggal di sini lbh lama dari saia..ko nnya saia??

dia slalu nyari kelemahan saia....

klo saia buat salah pasti di besar"in

klo kita punya argument dia slalu pengen menang, lgsg kyak marah" gitu, emosian, BUT masih aja dia kalah!!

overall, dia tmn yg baek juga..itu cuman negative side dari dia....i have to cope with that. but, that's ok!! different characteristics, make you become wiser!! lol


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