So I decided to start writing letters, to anyone...

Sometimes Susan, Roselin, or Erie writes but most of the time, it's Fida. mail

Wednesday 24 June 2009


Youngest sister of mine. She's only 2 years old, and she's cute (admit it!). She loves dolphins and penguins. She calls it "mba mba" as for dolphins and "piwin (read: pee win)" as for penguins.

She's very cheeky.


How's my new layout? I don't know why I always bored with my self-coded layout. This one is simpler, and better without my picture on it :) I should get busy with blogskins during this holiday and keep practicing my driving skill err all these traffic jams and stupid drivers driving me crazy that make me scared. Pray for me that I'll be a driver expert at the end of this holiday.

I can't wait to meet my junior high friends. Oh, photoshop action is from Cassey as always.

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